About Us
Bruno Otto Röder founded the bakery in 1909.
The "Rödergasse" (name of the narrow street) next to the house at Auer Straße 30 in Grünhain still holds his name.
About 1912
Seit der Gründung befindet sich die Bäckerei im Erdgeschoss des Hauses auf der heutigen Auer Straße 30. Ein kleiner Verkaufsladen, die Backstube und eine kleine Wohnung waren dort auf kleinstem Raum untergebracht.
About 1952
The young Marianne Röder is educated to be a baker. She can be seen easily on the image: She is the only woman of her year.
Abot 1950
After his baker training, Lothar Brückner began to learn professionally the pastery in Johanngeorgenstadt. The image shows Lothar Brückner (right) together with his colleagues.
Through the marriage of Marianne Röder and Lothar Brückner the corporate name got renamed as "Bäckerei Brückner".
About 1960
This is the former shop at the Auer Straße 30. Auf der alten Fotografie sind eine Pücklerrolle und eine Eiche zu erkennen.
About 1980
Lothar Brückner in the old bakery. He prepares marble cake which is covered with chocolate icing.
About 1987
Marianne Brückner in the old confectionary. In front of her lie some flane cases.